Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: occupying forces hit Nikopol district using Grad MLRS and heavy artillery

Sunday, 4 September 2022, 07:52


The Russian occupying forces have hit the Nikopol district three times with Grad multiple-launch rocket systems and heavy artillery, but there were no fatalities or casualties.

Source: Valentyn Reznichenko, Head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "There was a fire in Nikopol. The fire has already been brought under control. Five residential buildings and several farm buildings were damaged in the city. A power line was disabled."

Details: In addition, a private house, warehouses and the gatehouse of a local factory were damaged in the Marhanets hromada (amalgamated territorial community - an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories).

In other districts, the night passed without shelling.

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