Russia's ruling party branch office blown up in Russian-occupied Melitopol: it was coordinating preparations for sham "referendum"

Wednesday, 7 September 2022, 23:26


The headquarters of the organisation Together With Russia (My Vmeste s Rossiyey), a collaborationist organisation that represents the United Russia party (Edinaya Rossiya, Russia’s ruling political party) in the occupied territories of Ukraine, were blown up and destroyed in the Russian-occupied city of Melitopol.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Mayor of Melitopol; RIA Novosti, a Kremlin-aligned Russian news outlet

Quote from Fedorov: "The pseudo-referendum is now one step further away. Today’s explosions in Melitopol destroyed another United Russia headquarters, this one in the Nova Poshta [Ukrainian post service - ed.] building on Lomonosova Street, which had earlier been captured by the occupiers."

Details: Russian propagandists and collaborators confirmed the explosion and said that "information about casualties has yet to be confirmed".


  • On 31 August, an explosion occurred near the headquarters of collaborators’ organisation Together With Russia (My Vmeste s Rossiyey) in occupied Berdiansk.

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