Kuleba invited Congress members who called for negotiations between the USA and the Russian Federation to visit Izium

Friday, 28 October 2022, 21:12


Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba sharply criticised the appeals of a group of members of the US Congress to shift the policy of Joe Biden’s administration regarding Ukraine and direct negotiations with Russia.

Source: European Pravda, Kuleba in an interview with the Ukrainian news outlet TSN.

Quote from Kuleba: "Our position is very clear: if you start saying such things, if you think that you are so cool – regardless of which political camp you belong to – don’t play diplomacy, say it directly: we want Russia to win, we want even more women raped in Ukraine by Russian soldiers, we want even more mass graves and tortured graves to turn up," the minister said.

Details: He added that it makes no sense to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin in any form, "because he is committed exclusively to war."

Quote: "I’m inviting all the advocates of this point of view, regardless of their affiliation, to Ukraine. Let them come; we will take them to Izium. Let them go down into the grave from which the Ukrainians tortured by the Russians were exhumed, let them stand there for two minutes. Then they will return to their capital and think about what position they should take."

Reminder: In a letter sent on Monday, members of the progressive wing of the Democrats called on Biden to pair the economic and military support that the United States provides to Ukraine with "a proactive diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire."

Later, the members of Congress retracted the letter, explaining that it was prepared several months ago and released by staff now "without vetting."

Until now, the main concern about a possible decrease in support for Ukraine was associated with the possibility that the Republican party will win more seats in Congress after the midterm elections on 8 November.

So, Joe Biden expressed concern about how the US would continue to support Ukraine in the event that the Republicans, in particular the Trumpist wing, win a majority in the House of Representatives after the elections.

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