Russian occupiers use drones to locate conscription-age men in Luhansk Oblast

Tuesday, 4 October 2022, 08:23


Russian occupiers are deploying drones to search for me of conscription age in the town of Khrustalne, in the Russian-occupied part of Luhansk Oblast. Meanwhile, infrastructure in Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Popasna has not been restored yet.

Source: Serhii Haidai, Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Quote: "Operational situation in Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Popasna prevented [the Russians] from beginning to restore [these cities’] infrastructure, but it did not prevent them from holding a sham referendum.

The Russians promised many things to local residents when they captured the cities I just mentioned, including the restoration of gas supply within one week.

And yet, over the course of more than three months, they have failed to prepare even for the start of the school year [on 1 September]. Not a single school in Sievierodonetsk has opened its doors.

Obviously, they won’t be able to begin the heating season on 15 October, either." [Heating is administered via municipal services, and this year it is expected to be turned on on 15 October – ed.]

Details: Haidai reported that the Russians have been promising to begin rebuilding Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Popasna "as soon as the operational situation allows them [to do so]".

Meanwhile, "that same operational situation did not prevent them from holding a number of mass events over the course of the past few months, or, crucially, from holding the sham referendum," Haidai stressed.

"The situation on the front did not prevent 98% of local residents from voting over the course of almost a week, though there were no opportunities to safely repair water mains or gas pipelines over the course of three months. ’There’s no reason for panicking’, as they say," Haidai mocked the Russian occupiers.

The Head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration added that the occupiers are trying to conscript even full-time students.

Quote: "Full-time students’ turn has come, despite their hopes to defer enlistment for a few years. ‘Motherland decided otherwise’. It ["Motherland", i.e. occupiers – ed.] has also seemingly decided that greater efforts need to be made to find more men to be forcibly drafted. [The staff of] Military enlistment offices in Khrustalne turned out to be the smartest: they are using drones [to search for men] on the town’s streets."

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