Minsk accuses Ukraine of "preparing a strike" on Belarus, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes this could be Russia’s provocation

Sunday, 9 October 2022, 00:49


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has reported that Belarus summoned the Ukrainian ambassador and accused Ukraine of allegedly preparing an attack on Belarus. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers this to possibly be part of a Russian provocation plan.

European Pravda reported that this statement was published by Oleh Nikolenko, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nikolenko stated that Ihor Kyzym, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Minsk, was summoned to the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the evening of 8 October where he was handed a note stating that Ukraine was allegedly planning an attack on the territory of Belarus.

"This information is false. We categorically deny yet another insinuation of the Belarusian regime. We do not rule out that delivering this diplomatic note could be part of a plan by the Russian Federation to carry out a provocation and subsequently blame it on Ukraine," Oleh Nikolenko said.

He urged the Belarusian people not to succumb to provocations.

"Ukraine has never encroached on foreign territories. We strictly adhere to the fundamental norms and principles of international law and the UN Charter. The authorities in Belarus should stop following the whims of the Kremlin and immediately stop supporting Russia in carrying out its aggression against Ukraine," the spokesman emphasised.

There is currently no information on the Ukrainian ambassador's summons on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.

Earlier this week, the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexandr Lukashenko, de facto acknowledged Belarus's involvement in the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine, but indicated that it had a largely non-military or "defence" nature.

European Pravda has recently published an editorial calling for an end to diplomatic relations with the Lukashenko regime: Enough Is Enough. Time for Ukraine to Cut Ties with Belarus.

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