Rockets hit military facility and near bus stop in Khmelnytskyi – Oblast Military Administration

Saturday, 18 February 2023, 12:40

Oleksandr Symchyshyn, Mayor of the city of Khmelnytskyi, has reported that ten civilian multi-storey buildings were damaged and two people were injured in the morning attack on Khmelnytskyi on 18 February.

Source: Symchyshyn on air during the 24/7 national joint newscast

Details: The correspondent noted that the missiles hit one of the city's microdistricts [a primary structural element of the residential area construction in the Soviet Union and in some post-Soviet and former Socialist states]; many houses were damaged, civilians were injured, and two people were hospitalised.

Quote from Symchyshyn: "There are three damaged educational institutions and about 10 multi-storey residential buildings, about 500 windows were broken; some equipment and one private vehicle were damaged.

There are two people who suffered injuries of moderate severity."

Updated: After lunch, Serhii Hamaliy, the Head of Khmelnytskyi Oblast Military Administration, reported the details of missile hits.

Quote from Hamaliy: "The enemy struck 2 blows at the city of Khmelnytskyi.

Unfortunately, there is a hit on a military facility, and there is also another hit near a public transport stop.

The blast wave damaged civilian homes, 3 educational institutions, smashed hundreds of windows, and damaged 11 cars.

2 civilians went to the hospital for help. It's a man and a woman. The man, who suffered a shrapnel wound, was in the minibus."

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