Zelenskyy visits contact line in Zaporizhzhia Oblast and receives challenge coin from soldiers

Monday, 27 March 2023, 16:18

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the frontline positions of the Ukrainian military during a working visit to Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

Source: President’s Office of Ukraine

Quote: "I am honoured to be here today and thank you for protecting our state, all of us, our sovereignty, our cities, our children.

I wish us all victory. Live and fight. With people like you, we will definitely win."

Details: The president was reportedly briefed on the operational situation in the various parts of the frontline and the current supply of ammunition and equipment.

Zelenskyy also decorated servicemen with state awards. The defenders of Ukraine received the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Third Class, and the Order For Courage, Third Class, from the president personally.

In return, the soldiers presented the head of state with a coin which symbolises military brotherhood.

For reference: ArmyInform, a news agency of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, has explained that many countries’ military fraternities have an informal badge (coin). There are various names for it, for example, it may be called a coin or medallion, a challenger coin, a challenge medallion, a coin of attraction, or a challenge coin. However, Ukrainian soldiers often use the original English word "coin".

The coin should be smaller than the palm of a hand, and sincere words should be spoken when shaking hands. Usually the coin is made of different metals, ranging from simple to more expensive. Most often these coins are round, but there are also triangular, chevron, oval and diamond-shaped ones.

This tradition was introduced in Ukraine along with the reform of the NCO corps in the country’s armed forces.

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