Russian occupiers in Luhansk Oblast limit numbers at funeral processions and insist that mobilised soldiers be cremated

Sunday, 30 April 2023, 18:44

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, around 70 residents of the eastern city of Luhansk and its outskirts forcibly mobilised to fight on the Russian side are being killed each day.

Source: General Staff report

Quote from the General Staff: "Lately, around 70 residents of the eastern city of Luhansk and its outskirts forcibly mobilised to fight on the Russian side are being killed each day.

To prevent expressions of discontent among local residents, funeral services have been advised to limit the number of people attending funeral processions to six people. In light of the situation, the so-called ‘MGB’ [Ministry of State Security of the illegal Russian-controlled formation Luhansk People’s Republic - ed.] also insists that the dead be cremated rather than buried."

Details: The General Staff also reported that hospitals in the Russian-occupied city of Luhansk are struggling to deal with the increasing number of injured Russian soldiers. A group of medical workers, including surgeons, has recently arrived from Moscow Oblast to help treat and rehabilitate Russian soldiers. The official purpose of the visit is to "share experience" with their colleagues in Luhansk and help the city’s medical facilities.

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