FPV drones to be purchased for Armed Forces of Ukraine – Deputy Prime Minister

Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 15:39

FPV drones will be among the drones, for the purchase of which at least UAH20 billion [around USD543 million] will be allocated for Ukrainian soldiers this year.

Source: Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, in the interview with Suspilne

Details: FPV (First Person View) are drones that have a device allowing the operator to see the picture from the camera of the drone with the help of a headset, and not from the display of the tablet.

Quote: "Of course, [drones] are included [in the planned budget of UAH20 billion]. FPV drones are included in strike companies, in separate units that are used, and in other units...

Now there are more and more projects dealing with FPV drones. We see potential in this, and we also support it. The enemy is also actively developing FPV drones, and training pilots. Such a struggle of technologies on the battlefield has begun."

Details: Answering the question that a large part of the drones on the front are Chinese-made civilian drones and whether similar plans are being developed if Chinese drones cease to operate in Ukraine, Fedorov said that the localisation of the production of this segment is needed.

According to the minister, this work is happening simultaneously [with this purchase]. For now, it is necessary to create the best conditions for the development of UAVs, first to finance this area for Ukrainian manufacturers, in order for companies able to compete with DJI to appear.

Fedorov noted that without money, state support, and liberalisation of this assistance, it is certainly impossible to occupy this niche.

Quote: "Therefore, today MAVICs are really important at the front, they perform an important role, we provide our armed forces, but at the same time, we already see that companies are emerging that can work in this niche and have great potential. The issue of our national security is gradually developed and resolved".

Background: The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution that will promote the development of the production of Ukrainian drones. In 2023, the Ministry of Defence plans to increase the purchase of UAVs for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and allocate about UAH20 billion for this.

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