Zelenskyy arrives in Poland

Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 08:47

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has arrived on an official visit to Poland on 5 April.

Source: "European Pravda"

Zelenskyy and the First Lady arrived in Poland on 5 April. This is the first time since the full-scale war started that a visit by the Ukrainian president has been announced in advance. 

The Office of the President of Poland said that after the official greeting of the guests by Andrzej Duda and his wife, the leaders will hold talks in the presidential palace, after which the delegations will hold talks.

The head of the Bureau of International Policy at the Office of the President, Marcin Przydac, was quoted by PAP as saying that the negotiations will concern "the entire spectrum of Polish-Ukrainian relations, starting with security policy". According to him, they also plan to raise historical issues.

Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenskyy are scheduled to speak publicly at 18:00. 

The Office of the President of Poland has given assurances that all services are properly prepared to organise such a visit, and it should be safe.

This is Zelenskyy's first official visit to Warsaw since the beginning of the full-scale war. In addition, the presidents of Ukraine and Poland have crossed paths twice "in work mode" in Rzeszów – in December 2022 and February 2023. 

So far, during the full-scale war, the President of Ukraine has travelled abroad only a few times – to visit Washington and, on one trip, to London and Brussels.

Andrzej Duda visited Ukraine four times during the full-scale war, the first visit being in April 2022 with his Baltic colleagues and the most recent in January 2023 for the Lublin Triangle Summit in Lviv.

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