Explosions rock Kyiv, air defence reportedly activated

Tuesday, 9 May 2023, 05:06

Explosions have been heard in Kyiv, and air defence forces have reportedly been activated in the capital and the oblast.

Source: Kyiv Oblast Military Administration; Kyiv City Military Administration

Quote from Kyiv Oblast Military Administration: "There is a missile threat! Air defence forces are operating against targets.

Stay in shelters until the all-clear is given. 

Maintain information silence – do not record or post the work of our defenders online."

Quote from Kyiv City Military Administration: "Air defence forces are operating on the outskirts of Kyiv!"

Update: At 05:23, after explosions were heard in different districts of Kyiv, Kyiv City Military Administration reported again: "Air defence is active!"

Background: An air-raid warning was issued throughout Ukraine on the night of 8-9 May.

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