Fierce battle is ongoing, but we advance steadily – Deputy Defence Minister on counteroffensive

Wednesday, 14 June 2023, 21:43

It is extremely challenging for the Ukrainian forces to conduct the counteroffensive as the Russian forces have densely mined the fields and are actively resisting, but despite this, the Defence Forces are steadily advancing.

Source: Hanna Maliar, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast on 14 June

Quote: "The Defence Forces are carrying out the offensive on several fronts, but in the meantime, the Russians are conducting the offensive on a few fronts as well. So as of now, we are both holding the defence and conducting counteroffensive actions, just on different fronts. A very serious confrontation is ongoing.

In addition to this, the Russians are increasing the quantity of the attacks – artillery, mortar and aircraft ones – and thus trying to hold back our offensive.

Moreover, in the south, for instance, our troops face dense minefields. So it is very hard to advance. Yes, it is possible to do this slowly, if we look at the numbers, but the advance is steady."

Details: Maliar added that the Russians are also actively using anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) and kamikaze drones  in an attempt to stop the counteroffensive.

Quote: "Basically, a fierce battle is ongoing; we are making as much effort as we can, and the Russians are concentrating as much effort as they can in order to stop this [Ukrainian – ed.] offensive simultaneously."

Details: Maliar stressed that on Monday and Tuesday the Russians had not advanced on the Bakhmut front.

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