It's up to Ukraine to determine acceptable conditions for just end to war – Stoltenberg

Sunday, 18 June 2023, 12:41

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has warned the international society against haste if it comes to peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.

Source: interview with German newspaper Welt; European Pravda

According to Stoltenberg, only Ukraine should determine the conditions it considers acceptable for ending the war.

He also stressed that a peace agreement cannot be dictated by the Russian side.

"We all want this war to end. But for peace to last, it must be fair. Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting an agreement dictated by Russia. Only Ukraine can determine the conditions that are acceptable," Stoltenberg said.

He noted that military successes will strengthen Ukraine's position in the negotiations: "The more occupied territories Ukraine is able to liberate, the better cards it will have at the negotiating table to achieve a just and lasting peace."

Earlier, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said that demands for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Ukraine are inappropriate at this time, as it would mean Russia's success.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also rejected calls for a ceasefire or ceding Ukrainian land in any "land for peace" formula, prospects that he said would represent a "peace in exchange for land."

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