Power transmission lines in Kyiv and Oblast were shut down due to night shelling – Ministry of Energy

Friday, 2 June 2023, 13:14

Ukraine's Energy Ministry has said that as a result of the nighttime shelling, power lines were shut down in Kyiv and Oblast. In Donetsk Oblast, the Russians hit a power generation facility; a local mine was cut off the grid.

Source: the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

Quote: "At night, the Russians launched another massive missile and drone strike. In particular, the invaders’ target was Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast. As a result of the shelling, there was damage and technological violations. Several power transmission lines were shut down.

Details: In Donetsk Oblast, eight settlements left without power due to a recent attack. The electricity generation facility was also hit; the heating network was damaged. The mine was also left without power," the report said.

At the same time, another attack left more than 13,000 consumers cut from electricity in Kharkiv Oblast. Due to the previous attack, some consumers in Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and Chernihiv Oblasts also remain without electricity.

Quote: "Repair crews are working where the security situation allows them to. In a day, it was possible to restore electricity to almost 25,000 consumers. Most of them are the users in the Donetsk and Kherson Oblasts. In Kherson Oblast, a settlement that had been cut off since the beginning of the liberation campaign was reconnected," the ministry said.

It is noted that the energy system works stably. There is no shortage of electricity in it.

Quote: "The commercial import of electricity amounted to 388 MW/h. The export to Poland amounted to 1,000 MW/h.

During the day, the volume of natural gas in Ukrainian storages increased by 27.4 million cubic metres. Reserves of blue fuel amount to more than 9.5 billion cubic metres," the Ministry of Energy summarised.

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