UK investigates possible cooperation of its scientists with Iran for kamikaze drones production – FT

Thursday, 22 June 2023, 01:45

The UK government is investigating whether scientists at British universities have helped the Iranian regime develop technology that could be used to improve its kamikaze drone programme.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the Financial Times

Details: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said while speaking in parliament on Wednesday, 21 June, that "we take all allegations of breaches of export controls seriously".

Quote: "We will not accept collaborations which compromise our national security," he added.

The investigation, led by the UK Department of Trade and Industry, will examine whether scientists at several British universities actually collaborated with Iranian counterparts on research related to Tehran's drone programme.

The investigation was caused by an article in The Jewish Chronicle in early June, which focused on cooperation between scientists from the UK and Iran.

The report claimed that researchers from several British universities, including Imperial College London and Cranfield University, which has a partnership with the UK Ministry of Defence, were working with Iranian scientists on research that could increase drones’ altitude, speed and range.

Among other things, joint publications by British and Iranian scientists were published in 2019 and 2021, investigating the effect of various types of engines on drone performance and various control systems being developed for aircraft engines.

The UK prohibits the export of military and dual-use technology to Iran and has imposed sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities that supply Russia with kamikaze drones.

Background: At the beginning of June, James Cleverly, the UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, accused Iran of supplying Russia with ammunition used to wage war against Ukraine.

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