Lithuania proposes Russia repeat its "gesture of goodwill" and leave Ukraine, as it did with Zmiinyi Island last year

Friday, 30 June 2023, 11:08

The Permanent Mission of Lithuania to the OSCE, marking the anniversary of the liberation of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island, has suggested that Russia repeat its "gesture of goodwill" and withdraw its troops from the entire territory of Ukraine using the same excuse.

Source: The Lithuanian Mission on Twitter, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Lithuania recalled that it is the first anniversary of the liberation of Zmiinyi Island and its return to Ukraine's control, after which Russia lost control of the north-western part of the Black Sea and the prospects of landing in Odesa Oblast, which was expected in the first phase of the war.

The post also included an announcement from the Russian Defence Ministry that the withdrawal from the island was a "gesture of goodwill" and not because Ukrainian defenders drove them out.

Quote: "On the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of Liberation of Snake Island by Defenders of Ukraine, we call on Russia to move to the next level of its ‘good will gesture’ playbook and to get out from the entire territory of Ukraine. Now!"

Read also: Battle for Zmiinyi (Snake) Island. Reconstructing the heroic tale of Ukraine losing and reclaiming the critical island

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