Germany's opposition and ruling coalition urge government to provide Ukraine with Taurus missiles

Saturday, 29 July 2023, 16:25

German politicians from the opposition and coalition parties have called on the government to supply Ukraine with long-range Taurus cruise missiles.

Source: European Pravda with reference to DW

Details: Roderich Kiesewetter, a member of the Bundestag from the oppositional Christian Democratic Union (CDU), said Berlin should "immediately" provide Kyiv with long-range Taurus missiles.

Kiesewetter noted that the Bundeswehr has 600 Taurus missiles, including 450 that are not ready for combat missions, but can undergo modernisation by the MBDA company [European developer and manufacturer of missiles – ed.] and be prepared for shipment to Ukraine.

At the same time, Markus Faber, politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP), which is part of the ruling coalition, informed that Ukraine’s Armed Forces successfully use the UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles. Faber said this indicates the importance of this type of weapons for Ukraine, which is defending against the full-scale Russian invasion.

Oleksii Makieiev, Ukraine's Ambassador to Germany, also called for the Taurus missiles provision, asking the government "to shorten the discussion part this time and thereby save human lives," recalling the long debate in Germany regarding other weapon provisions, including Leopard tanks.

However, the German Defence Ministry confirmed its refusal to supply missiles to Ukraine. The Ministry's representative showed the statement of Boris Pistorius, Federal Minister of German Defence, to DW. The minister made it clear that Taurus missiles will not be supplied to Ukraine’s Armed Forces.


  • At the end of May, Ukraine officially requested Germany to provide it with Taurus cruise missiles, ranging up to 500 kilometres.
  • At the same time, France and the UK decided to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles. Ukraine started using Storm Shadow missiles supplied by the UK back in the spring.
  • In July, French President Emmanuel Macron also announced the transfer of missiles, which will allow strikes in the deep rear of Russia, to Ukraine. Sources reported that they are SCALP long-range missiles, the supply of which has begun.

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