Russian government says that Security Service agent was going to blow up Aksyonov

Monday, 3 July 2023, 11:22

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has said that the Security Service of Ukraine was preparing an attempt to kill a Kremlin protege in Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, but the recruited Russian had been arrested.

Source: RIA Novosti

Details: The FSB stated that it had prevented an attempt to kill Aksyonov by detaining a Russian citizen who was allegedly recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine and had been "trained in Ukraine in mine explosives."

According to the Russian propaganda agency, the man "planned to blow up Aksyonov's car, but he was caught taking a bomb from a hiding place" (although the video shows a version where a car was used to blow up the house). 

The video shows footage of the Russian citizen's arrest and "confession statements", but it is unclear from them where he was "recruited", where he was arrested, or who is behind it.

Quote from the detainee: "In December 2022, I was recruited by the Special Services of Ukraine, by a handler called Ihor. After that, I was given the code name Karatyst (karate enthusiast) and was trained at a training ground for sabotage operations, in disguise and applying makeup, avoiding capture, and so on. 

Then I was assigned to go to the Crimea, to Simferopol. First, I needed to rent a house, buy a phone, and get a job. 

I contacted Ihor every day and waited for further instructions. I was waiting to be told the address where the car was located so that I could plant a bomb there. So that later this car could be driven to Sevastopolskaya Street to blow up Sergey Aksyonov’s cottage."  

Details: The Russian expert says that a combined type of explosive device was being prepared: "fragmentation and incendiary." The package with the components was found right during the arrest.

The FSB opened cases under articles on attempted terrorist attacks and the illegal purchase of explosives.

Aksyonov thanked the Russian secret services for "preventing the assassination attempt."

He also said that "it is possible to eliminate the terrorist threat from Kyiv only by completing the goals of the special operation."

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