Ukrainian forces kill 99 Russian soldiers on southern Tavriia front

Tuesday, 15 August 2023, 00:18

Ukraine’s defence forces have killed 99 Russian soldiers and injured 190 on the Tavriia front in southern Ukraine over the course of the past day.

Source: Brigadier General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, Commander of the Tavriia Operational and Strategic Group of Forces, on Telegram 

Quote from Tarnavskyi: "Our army’s artillery units have carried out 1,620 firing missions over the course of the past day.

Also over the past day, enemy forces lost a total of 301 soldiers (99 were killed, 190 injured, and 12 captured)."

Details: Ukrainian forces also destroyed 34 pieces of Russian military equipment on 14 August.

This includes five tanks, eight armoured personnel carriers, five artillery systems and mortars, two multiple-launch rocket systems, one air defence system, two UAVs, eight vehicles and three pieces of special equipment.

Ukrainian forces also destroyed three Russian ammunition storage points.

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