Shahed drones detected near Kharkiv, air defence responding

Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 09:05

Shahed drones have been seen on the morning of 16 August near the city of Kharkiv, and air defence has responded.

Source: Suspilne [Ukraine’s national broadcaster]; air raid sirens map; Oleh Syniehubov, Head of Kharkiv Oblast Military Administration 

Details: An air-raid warning was issued in the oblast at 07:40. Suspilne reported explosions being heard in the city.

Syniehubov has called on the residents of Kharkiv to stay in shelters until the all-clear is given.

Updated: The all-clear was given at 09:11.

Quote from Syniehubov: "Shahed drones were detected near Kharkiv. Thank you, air defence."

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