Defence Ministry believes that Ukraine can take either money or shells from debtor Polish supplier

Monday, 28 August 2023, 19:53

Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov assures that the Polish Alfa company, which has overdue contracts for the Ministry of Defence worth several billion hryvnias, will either fulfil the deliveries or will have to return the money.

Source: Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov at a press conference in Kyiv on 28 August 

Quote from Reznikov: "I read the investigation by Ukrainska Pravda. And this firm is indeed one of the foreign companies that has signed contracts with the Ministry of Defence. There are many such firms, and, unfortunately, not all of them were able to fulfil the signed contracts, even the influential players in the market. There are also Ukrainian firms that didn’t deliver promised supplies, and American ones."

Details: Reznikov also said several arbitration claims have already been filed against this company.

Quote from Reznikov: "This company offered us other types of projectiles; we are now studying whether they are suitable for us. And then we will either have them delivered, or we will demand the advance payment to be returned."

Details: Reznikov also said that the Ministry of Defence has already won an arbitration case against another company. This gives him hope that the ministry will win other such disputes.

The minister also emphasised that there is a bigger problem with Ukrainian special importers. Because these are state-owned companies that simply do not have this money; therefore, bankruptcy is not out of the realm of possibility.

Background: The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence entered a series of contracts with the Polish Alfa company in 2022 for the supply of various types of weapons and ammunition. However, the company failed to fulfil its obligations and, as of 2023, owes the Ukrainian MoD over UAH 3.5 billion (roughly US$94,77 million).

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