Hackers break into Russian database with data on hundreds of millions of flights

Saturday, 23 September 2023, 06:33

Ukrainian hackers have hacked into the Russian database of the Sirena-Travel booking system, obtaining information on 664 million flights over the last 16 years. They also obtained the names, phone numbers and document numbers of the passengers.

Source: Vazhnye Istorii

Details: News of this was posted on the Telegram channel of the hacker community KibOrg.

An unknown group called Muppets, which is associated with KibOrg, is allegedly behind the hack.

The two databases obtained, according to the hackers, contain almost 3.5 billion records of passenger phone numbers and 664.6 million records containing the personal data of passengers, flight numbers, routes, tariffs, ticket prices, and so on. The data covers the period from 2007 to 2023.

Hackers also posted two "sample" databases on social media. In them, journalists managed to find, for example, data on flights taken by the former Austrian Foreign Minister and former Rosneft board member Karin Kneissl, who moved to Russia in the summer of 2023. The data on her movements coincide with Kneissl’s public reports of a flight to the economic forum from St Petersburg to Vladivostok on 10 September this year.

Georgy Alburov, a member of Alexei Navalny’s team, also drew attention to the data leak. He writes that he was able to verify the authenticity of the database by checking the data on a recent flight made by Alina Kabaeva, who is close to Vladimir Putin, from Minsk to Moscow.

A source in the hacker group told reporters that KibOrg is not planning to put the entire database in the public domain. They are considering two options for further work with the data: the creation of a bot that will aggregate data from databases for money, or the transfer of the said database to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The hackers might also share the information with investigative journalists.

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