Ukrainian drone attacks airfield near Kursk: air regiment's leaders killed and wounded

Monday, 25 September 2023, 12:50

A drone attacked the Khalino airfield in Russia's Kursk Oblast on Sunday, 24 September, killing and wounding superior officers of a Russian air regiment.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda with reference to a source in Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence

Details: The Defence Intelligence stated that a drone attacked the building where leaders of the 14th Zhdanov Guards Fighter Regiment were located at the Khalino airfield.

As a result of the attack, the following people were injured or killed:

  • commander of the 14th Air Regiment;
  • his deputy;
  • a group of pilot officers;
  • airfield workers;
  • a representative of FSB military counterintelligence.
screenshot: google maps


  • Russian authorities claimed on the morning of 24 September, when Kursk was celebrating its city day, that a drone had attacked the city centre, hitting an administrative building.
  • In the evening, the Russians claimed to have shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle in the skies over Kursk Oblast. The Russian Ministry of Defence reported that at around 20:30, a drone attempted to attack targets on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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