UK government to outlaw Wagner Group and confiscate its assets

Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 03:32

The UK government will declare Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) to be a terrorist organisation.

Source: BBC

Details: Being a member of or supporting the Wagner PMC will be illegal in the UK.

A draft order, to be submitted to Parliament, will classify the organisation’s assets as terrorist property and enable it to be confiscated.

UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman said Wagner was a "violent and destructive... a military tool of Vladimir Putin's Russia".

She added that Wagner PMC's activities in Ukraine and Africa are a "threat to global security".

Quote from Braverman: "Wagner's continuing destabilising activities only continue to serve the Kremlin's political goals. They are terrorists, plain and simple - and this proscription order makes that clear in UK law."


  • In July, the UK authorities postponed the listing of Wagner PMC as a terrorist organisation after its leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, led a mutiny in Russia and Vladimir Putin acknowledged state funding of mercenaries.
  • Sources said at the end of August that the UK would recognise the Russian Wagner Group of mercenaries as a terrorist organisation within weeks.

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