Blackouts occur in four of Ukraine’s oblasts after Russian attack

Friday, 29 December 2023, 11:03

There have been power outages in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, and Kharkiv oblasts after a large-scale Russian attack on 29 December. 

Source: Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy

Kyiv Oblast

As a result of falling wreckage, 10kV overhead power lines were damaged in two hromadas, leading to power outages for 843 consumers [a hromada is an administrative unit designating a town, village or several villages and their adjacent territories – ed.]. 

Additionally, unidentified individuals in the oblast obstructed the valve in a gas control manhole. Preliminary reports indicate that 341 consumers have been disconnected from the gas supply

Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

An attack has damaged a 150 kV power line. Details are being confirmed. Previous attacks resulted in power outages for 3,300 consumers, but the electricity supply was promptly restored.

Odesa Oblast 

0.6 kV power lines have been damaged due to the morning bombardment. Grid inspections are currently underway.

Kharkiv Oblast 

There is damage to the power grid in five hromadas of the region as a result of the overnight and morning attacks. A total of 21 consumers were reconnected to the electricity supply during the day. At the same time, 605 metering points were cut off. As a result of the hostilities, 16,600 consumers remain without electricity.

Donetsk Oblast 

Four settlements (3,300 customers) were cut off as a result of the hostilities. 43 settlements (5,900 consumers) were reconnected during the day. 132 settlements remain without electricity, amounting to about 126,000 metering points.

Zaporizhzhia Oblast 

As a result of the hostilities, 63 settlements – 5,600 customers – have been left without electricity, and one settlement (16 consumers) was disconnected due to technical reasons.

Kherson Oblast 

The electricity supply was restored for 238 consumers in Kherson. 4,300 customers remain without electricity. One settlement (1,100 subscribers) was reconnected to the supply. As a result of the hostilities, 45 settlements (about 26,000 metering points) remain without power.

Chernihiv Oblast 

As a result of the hostilities, blackouts occurred in 16 settlements – almost a thousand consumers, due to technical reasons, 634 customers in four settlements have been left without electricity.

The ministry emphasised that the situation in the power system is currently stable and under control, and no planned outages are foreseen.

Background: An explosion damaged the Lukianivska metro station building in Kyiv, and trains are passing through the station without stopping.

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