Kuleba announces talks with Poland "at all levels" to solve problems

Friday, 5 January 2024, 21:12

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that Ukraine is intensifying contacts with the new Polish government in order to resolve bilateral contentious issues. 

Source: Kuleba in an interview with host Vadym Karpiak, reports European Pravda with reference to Ukrinform 

Details: Kuleba recalled the visit of the new Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski on 22 December, during which he conveyed certain signals from the new Polish government and voiced Warsaw's vision of solving existing problems.

Quote: "We saw a willingness to solve problems, now they need to be solved. And then there will be contacts with the new Polish government at all levels – I will not go into specifics now, but they are already planned. We will look for a solution," the minister emphasised.

He added that the victory of Ukraine "is of Poland's vital interest and the question of Poland's survival as well," and that is why the countries will need to resolve their problems.

During a visit to Kyiv on 22 December, Sikorski met with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, who expressed hope for a "new chapter" in relations between the countries.

In recent months, an array of issues have grown in Kyiv and Warsaw's relationship, ranging from Poland's embargo on the importation of Ukrainian agricultural products to Polish carriers' blockade of the border.

Read also: Poland Must Awake It’s Waging War against Ukraine's European Future

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