Russian military aircraft spotted near Alaska 3 times in 4 days

Saturday, 10 February 2024, 11:11

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has reported the detection of four Russian military aircraft in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on 9 February.

Source: European Pravda

Details: As NORAD said, the Russian aircraft were in international airspace and did not enter the sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada.

Quote: "This is the third time NORAD detected and tracked Russian aircraft in four days. This Russian activity in the Alaska ADIZ occurs regularly and is not seen as a threat," the message reads.

NORAD utilises a multi-layered network of satellites, ground-based and airborne radars, as well as interceptors to track aircraft and take appropriate actions. 

The United States has regularly reported the detection of Russian military aircraft near Alaska throughout the past year.


  • On 30 January, the German Air Force scrambled some of its fighter jets to intercept a Russian reconnaissance aircraft spotted over the Baltic Sea off its coast.

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