Dam bursts in Russian city of Orsk, several thousands of houses at risk – video, photo

Friday, 5 April 2024, 22:00

A dam has burst in the Russian city of Orsk, people are being evacuated from the flood zone. About 4,000 private houses may be flooded.

Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; Russian Kremlin-aligned media outlets TASS and RIA Novosti; Baza Telegram-channel; Vazhnie Novosti; Meduza

Details: The reason for the burst was that the dam barrier "was not filled up" before the rapid rise in the water level.

Emergency services report that about 4,000 private residential houses may be flooded. The residents of adjacent areas are being evacuated. Almost all drinkable water was sold out in the stores of Orsk, Russian Telegram-channels report.

Emergency services report that about 4,000 private residential houses may be flooded. The residents of adjacent areas are being evacuated. Almost all drinkable water was sold out in the stores of Orsk, Russian Telegram-channels report.

photo: BAZA

Earlier, the state of emergency was announced in Orenburg Oblast due to high waters. A total of 1,825 residential houses in 95 settlements were flooded, and over 3,000 locals were evacuated.

Photo: social media

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