Russians hit Bilozerka in Kherson Oblast, killing person and injuring 2 more

Anastasia Protz — Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 09:18

The Russians attacked the town of Bilozerka in Kherson Oblast overnight, killing a woman and injuring two more people.

Source: Oleksandr Prokudin, Head of Kherson Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram 

Quote: "A 65-year-old woman was killed in her own home due to enemy strikes. Two more people were injured."

Details: Prokudin reported that a 40-year-old man was taken to hospital in a critical condition. He sustained blast injuries, facial and hand wounds. In addition, a 65-year-old woman was also hospitalised. She has concussion and blast injuries. Doctors assess the woman's condition as moderate.

Updated: Later, Kherson Oblast Military Administration reported that another person who had been injured in the Russian attack had been admitted to hospital. The woman was suffering from concussion and a contusion. She remains in hospital, and is currently receiving the necessary medical care.

Background: Russia launched a missile attack on Ukraine on the night of 7-8 May. An air-raid warning was issued in all Ukrainian oblasts.

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