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Londongrad: Ukrainska Pravda tracks down Russian oligarchs in London

In our quest to track down the Russians linked to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine – and their assets – there was no way Ukrainska Pravda could miss out London, the city of big Russian money. This is the story of how we searched for – and found – Mikhail Fridman and other well-known Russians in the land they call "foggy Albion".

Defence Intelligence special unit commander reveals details of operations on the Black Sea

Czech engines, US electronics. How the Russian-made Lancet attack UAVs expose holes in anti-Russian sanctions

"To send F-16s to Ukraine, preconditions yet to be met". Interview with Dutch Minister of Defence

Kajsa Ollongren: "As long as you are using F-16 for self-defence and restoration of your territorial integrity, you can use them in the best way you can."

Servant of jackets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Who is making money out of the war in Ukraine?

Chelsea playing for time: Why Roman Abramovich slowing down transfer of funds to Ukraine from selling FC Chelsea

Will Ukraine receive the money that Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich obtained from selling FC Chelsea and promised to donate for assisting and compensating the losses of Ukrainians?

Ukraine's Independence Day: war, resilience, and a European future

Ukraine will not only triumph over the aggression, but also fully and successfully implement all the necessary reforms that will allow integration into our European family.

War left them no choice. How Israel became a high-tech military power

"The more your trench looks like a grave, the better your chances of survival." The things that are annoying, surprising, cheering and lifesaving for frontline soldiers

Anton Filatov, a former film critic and currently a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, tells Ukrainska Pravda about the life, household, faith of a soldier at the front, and also about the four elements: earth, water, air and fire, which sometimes help to survive in war, and sometimes the opposite.

Frozen Russian assets can work for Ukraine right now. How can it be done?

The assets of the Russian Federation in the accounts of the European depository continue to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in profits. Taxes on these profits are easier for Ukraine to obtain than the assets themselves. How exactly?

Penalties against terrorist state: ways Council of Europe could assist in confiscating Russian assets

The most practical effect of recognising Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism can be achieved within the Council of Europe.

Sanitary felling casualties. How foresters juggle legislation to destroy the last natural wild forests in Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains

Targets for Russian terrorists: how Russia deliberately homes in on people who are saving lives

76% of refugees and 82% of internally displaced Ukrainians intend to return home - Karen Whiting

Hell on Earth. How Russian aggression is devastating Ukrainian black soil

Hunting for Ruslan cargo planes. Will Russian An-124 aircraft stuck in Germany and Canada join Ukraine's fleet?

Leadership of courage: Ukrainian security guarantees for Europe

If NATO is not prepared to guarantee Ukraine's security, then Ukraine must find the resolve to offer protection to the European countries in the event they are attacked by Russia.

"You should all be raped for more Russians to be born," the guards said. Svitlana Vorova from Azov Regiment talks about 11 months of captivity

Azov and Azovstal, captivity, Olenivka, pre-trial detention torture, prisoners-of-war exchange and the first tiramisu once liberated – Svitlana "Gratsia" Vorova describes her 11 months of Russian captivity in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda.

Production that cannot be destroyed by missiles – kamikaze drones made in Ivano-Frankivsk for use on the front

How are first-person view (FPV) drones produced by a "cottage industry" in Ukraine, how many quadcopters can be assembled by one workshop, and how difficult is it to compete with Russians for Chinese parts?

Russia has turned grain into a weapon: how Putin is exploiting hunger and deceiving Africa

Kramatorsk: the foreign volunteers who survived the Ria Pizza missile strike

Two examples to punish Russia: How US confiscated enemy-owned assets

The potential confiscation of Russian assets is a high-profile and sensitive issue, but it is certainly not unique to the United States.

"We can get Russia to resume its participation in Grain Deal with unified voice." Column of EU top diplomat

Contrary to the lies spread by Russia, the EU has indeed ensured that our sanctions have no impact on global food security.

Every one in twenty destroyed Russian tanks is down to their work. The story of the Ukrainian Security Service's White Wolf special unit and its commander, Oleh Yemets

Finest hour for the defence industry. How can Ukraine produce more weapons?

Ukraine will need a lot more weapons, and not just foreign ones. Why are Ukrainian military plants not running at full capacity, and can this be fixed?

How Western energy sanctions against Russia are failing

"Sometimes I think that Oleksii is lying sick in captivity. Hope smoulders in my soul." In memory of the Azov fighters killed in Olenivka

"Security guarantees" pledged to Ukraine would leave Ukrainians frustrated

The perceprton of these "guarantees" in society is polarised. Some do not believe in them at all and some put too much hope in security guarantees...

John Spencer: "The Battle of Kyiv is the most decisive battle of the modern era since the end of World War II"

Homework for a year: achevements of Ministry of Justice towards European integration

What has been achieved in the field of justice to meet the requirements for EU membership within a year? After all, the success of Ukraine's European integration depends on meeting these requirements.

Whose ally is Erdoğan: why is Türkiye increasing aid to Ukraine but not giving up friendship with Russia?

What kind of assistance can Ukraine expect from Türkiye? How would they like to see Russia in Ankara: powerful, weakened, or collapsed?

Blood sisters. What do combat medics Field Toad and Steppe Viper carry in their tactical backpacks?
