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"2024 will be exhausting but will lead to victory". Lithuanian Ambassador on prospects for Ukraine

The reforms related to the EU and NATO accession would be a major challenge in the best of times. Yet, to return to the wisdom of Winston Churchill, whose words I echoed in the beginning: "If you are going through hell, keep going".

The Identity of the Ukrainian Hetman Ivan Mazepa and the Appropriation of His Legacy by the Russians

Outrage sparked in Ukraine by Parliament Speaker's efforts to sabotage opposition internationally

Up to now, Ukraine's partners have turned a blind eye to democracy issues. That silence is likely to end in 2024. Public debates on this matter have already been scheduled in Europe...

Will Orbán be allowed to "seize" EU power? Сonsequences of Charles Michel's resignation

In July, when Michel steps down from his position, Hungary will be presiding in the European Council. The "appointment" of Orbán does not even require a vote by the other member states.

From Neptune launches to naval drones: the Ukrainian Navy's saga of defending the Black Sea

White and fluffy death. How Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan help Russians produce gunpowder

"I saw something no one else has ever seen. I saw the inside of an explosion": Stories of Ukrainian soldiers who lost limbs and received prosthetics in the US

"It is too late to save everyone". Climatologist Svitlana Krakovska on climate issues, war, and the bar that Ukraine sets for the world

Poland must recognise that it's waging war on Ukraine's European future

Poland's full-scale trade war against Ukraine is ongoing and is worsening. Week after week, Poland is killing Ukraine's European future...

The Scythian Gold: A Ukrainian Treasure Stolen by the russians

Kyiv has survived its biggest missile attack since the full-scale invasion started. How the capital is recovering

Unforgettable stories: our 10 favourite longreads from 2023

Sea drones, Elon Musk, and high-precision missiles: How Ukraine dominates in the Black Sea

Ukraine moves from sprint to long-distance run with hurdles: EU Ambassador on 2024

Joining the EU, however frustrating the process may seem at times, is worth it...

5 podcasts to revisit: insights on information warfare, resilience, and innovation

Veto plans: what to expect from Orbán on Ukraine in 2024

Budapest is resuming and intensifying its campaign to demonise Ukraine. One of its tools is expected to be a "referendum" in Hungary.

"My dog is red, just like my dad's beard." How a dream came true for the son of a fallen hero, and why children need a Christmas miracle

"He was a partisan for the children's sake": the story of a foster family whose father was killed by the Russians

Russian money to support Ukraine: what EU plans to do with proceeds of Russian assets

Ahead of the European Council meeting on 14-15 December, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke about four key decisions to be made by the European Union on Ukraine.

Death is no more so long as we exist: How the doctors of Ukraine's Special Forces cheat death

Gone with the wind: why wind farms in Polonyna Borzhava threaten to harm both nature and humans

Ukrainska Pravda explains why the energy from the planned wind farm in Borzhava will not be "green", and how both people and wildlife lose out when wind turbines are built.

Orbán's defeat or victory for Ukraine. Why is EU summit historic?

The EU summit in Brussels was undoubtedly humiliating for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He had to endure mocking comments and even advice from his counterparts to "keep his mouth shut".

"The battle is over whether we can just be ourselves". A report from the Kharkiv region

"Ukraine should join EU now or might risk its future as a country." Interview with MEP Auštrevičius

Petras Auštrevičius: "Punishment for Hungary is already happening. But Brussels cannot tell the Hungarians, 'Don't vote for Orbán...'"

Establish an international tribunal or court for Ukraine on the crime of aggression – time is of the Eessence

There are international court aims to address and prosecute those responsible for the crime of aggression against Ukraine unchallenged by head of state immunity. The need for such a tribunal or court arises from the severity of Russia's actions against Ukraine.

"We won't return to Europe of 2021: this would be Europe of 1930s"

" this case, We would not return to Europe of 2021. We would, instead, fall back to a state of permanent insecurity..."

30 years of EU's diplomatic presence in Ukraine: reflection of the past and a look ahead

One day Ukraine will become a member of the European Union because of the determination, reforms and choices made by the Ukrainian people.

Maria Mezentseva: Our blood proves our dedication

5 Ukrainian books to read this year

Mariia Berlinska: This isn't even a stalemate now – we are on the point of losing the war

Global leaders and countries gaining and losing Ukrainians' trust: change over a year

"Joining NATO incrementally has significant support among Ukrainians if achieving a complete victory is currently impossible."

UK Defence Secretary applauds the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Ukrainian Armed Forces Day

Putin still believes the West, distracted by events elsewhere, will tire of his illegal war. He is wrong.