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Police Chief Confident of Preparations for Equality March

Thursday, 9 June 2016, 16:37
Police Chief Confident of Preparations for Equality March

The Head of the National Police of Ukraine Khatia Dekanoidze asked citizens to be understanding of requests to show ID at entry points to the Equality March on Sunday, June 12 in Kyiv.

During a briefing on Thursday, June 9 she explained that police officers would be dispatched everywhere — to metro exits, along the route of the march etc. "I think we have an effective plan. We have been working on it for two weeks, and we have thought about every detail," Dekanoidze said.

The Head of the National Police added that another reason the police force would be on high alert on June 12 was the first match of European Football Championship in France featuring the Ukrainian team. Police officers will keep an eye on areas with a high concentration of football fans to ensure public order.


Source: Ukrinform
