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Ukraine does not believe in Putin's readiness to negotiate - Office of President

Thursday, 24 February 2022, 14:08

The Office of the President of Ukraine is convinced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not negotiate with Zelenskyy and is trying to act swiftly to cause maximum damage to Ukraine.

Source: Adviser to the Head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podoliak at the briefing

Quote: "Certainly, the Russian Federation is not going to any talks now - and will not go. They have made a fatal decision and they will try to finish this decision in a flash until they are forced to undertake responsibility and sit down at the negotiating table. They will try to cause us as much harm as possible in the meantime.


What is the psychology of war? They want to achieve the maximum effect of their initiative while people are in shock, including Russians. Therefore, they will delay as much as possible any negotiating opportunities. This is the psychology of war. They want to cause us the maximum damage."

Details: Podoliak reminded that the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly tried to hold talks with the Kremlin and get an explanation for the escalation from them.

He stressed that allegations about the Ukrainian offensive are completely unfounded. Russia launched its first shelling at 3:40 a.m., even before Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a statement at 5 a.m.

"It is now clear who is the initiator and why Russia will not enter into any negotiations until it achieves at least some intermediate results," the Office of the President of Ukraine said.

Earlier: Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, said that Vladimir Putin is ready to talk to the Ukrainian leadership if the latter was ready to discuss his demands: Ukraine's neutral status and refusal to deploy weapons.

Before, the Kremlin ignored Zelenskyy's calls for direct talks with Putin saying it is unclear what to talk about. Russia was not going to talk about the de-occupation of Donbas or the de-occupation of Crimea, forcing Kyiv to negotiate directly with its puppets in the ORDLO and to change the Constitution.
