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Kremlin prepares new wave of attacks, including paratroopers – Reznikov

Thursday, 24 February 2022, 21:19
Kremlin prepares new wave of attacks, including paratroopers – Reznikov

Minister of defense Oleksiy Reznikov states that Russia’s military forces are preparing a new wave of attacks, including deploying paratroopers, but Ukrainian army is ready for it.

Source: Reznikov on Facebook

In Reznikov’s words: "Kremlin is preparing a new wave of attacks, including deploying paratroopers. But our army is ready to face it".


Details: Reznikov noted that heavy fighting continues in the Luhans’k and Sumy regions, and to the north of the capital. The situation in the south of the country is complicated, too.

"However, the enemy did not expect this degree of resistance. They were stopped outside of Kharkiv, forced to shut up and fended off in many parts of the east. Russian occupiers are already surrendering", – the minister reminded.

He also noted that the world has started to implement sanctions against Russia, and in Russia itself antiwar demonstrations have begun.

"Tomorrow Russians will already feel the brunt of Putin’s insanity", – Reznikov wrote.
