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The enemy suffers severe losses but does not stop attempts to seize Kyiv – new report of Ukraine's Armed Forces

Monday, 28 February 2022, 12:31
The enemy suffers severe losses but does not stop attempts to seize Kyiv – new report of Ukraine's Armed Forces


According the latest information, since the start of the open military aggression, the enemy launched over 180 cruise missiles and tactical missiles Iskander near Ukraine's capital.

Source: Ukrainian Armed Forces


Details: On Sunday February 27 russian occupants launched 6 missile fires (up to 30 missiles) and 4 aviation fire predominantly from airspace of Republic of Belarus.

Air and Space Forces of the Russian Armed Forces are now acting in the airspace of Republic of Belarus. They use the Belarussian aerodrome network to transport the military personnel and cargo. There is also a high possibility that Belarussian military forces will be engaged.

In Polissia region the enemy suffered severe losses and tries to replenish them by the air troops of Russian military forces. On the direction of Siversky Donets’ the enemy finished regrouping and tries to continue advance on the direction Chernigiv-Kyiv. 3 tactic battalions were stopped at Khomutovka, Glukhiv, Baturyn.

The motorized infantry unit of the 14th Army Corps of the Northern Fleet on the Sumy-Okhtyrka-Poltava crossing suffered significant losses and lost offensive potential.

On the Slobozhnskyi direction the enemy was stopped.

In Donets the invader with the support from artillery of the Russian Military Forces tries to advance. The aim of the invader to reach to the administrative borders of Donetsk and Lugansk regions was not reached.

On the Tavrisky division the enemy re-grouped and tries to advance on Mykolaiv with the attempt to land marines near Mariupol. Ukraine's Armed Forces defend the borders.

Despite severe losses and lowering of the temp of advance on some directions, the enemy does not refuse from its main aim to control Kyiv. The forces of territory defence of the capital protect the city.

Groups of different divisions of Navy Forces of Ukraine continues military actions in south-western part of the Black Sea waters. They also defend the base points and ports of Odesa, Pivdennyi, Ochakiv, Chornomorsk from the sea.
