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Ukrainian Parliament working on a bill enabling confiscation of Russia's assets in Ukraine

Monday, 28 February 2022, 16:14

Monday, 28 February 2022, 5:14 PM

Leaders of the Verkhovna Rada factions and groups, with the exception of the pro-Russian Opposition Platform For Life, met on 28 February to discuss a bill which would allow confiscation of all property of legal entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine in favor of the Ukrainian State.

Details: Yuliia Klymenko from the Holos Party reported that the leaders of the factions agreed to convene the Verkhovna Rada in the coming days to pass 8 laws.


Klymenko’s said: "In particular, we want to pass a law allowing confiscation of all property of legal entities of the Russian Federation [on the territory of Ukraine] in favour of the State. The draft is still in process, we will continue finalizing it."

Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliment Dmytro Razumkov said that an appeal from the Verkhovna Rada to the European Union on Ukraine's immediate accession to the EU by special procedure and an appeal to the UN General Assembly to exclude Russia from the UN Security Council had also been prepared.
