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Minister of Defence of Ukraine explained to invaders how to surrender

Monday, 28 February 2022, 20:17
Minister of Defence of Ukraine explained to invaders how to surrender

Minister of Defence Oleksiy Reznikov called on the Russian invaders to lay down their arms and not risk their lives, as casualties among Russian troops on the fifth day of war amounted to 5,300 soldiers.

Source: Oleksiy Reznikov, Minister of Defence, Facebook

Reznikov's quote: "I am addressing Russian soldiers and officers.


You were brought to our land to kill and to die. Those of you who don't want to become a murderer and die can be saved.

Do not follow the criminal orders of those who have lied to you for years about Ukraine and Ukrainians.

We guarantee you full amnesty and monetary compensation if you voluntarily lay down your arms.

Ukraine is a civilised country. All prisoners are safe, they are being helped. They are already talking to their loved ones.

You have a chance to start a new life.

Make a choice.

Come out unarmed with a white flag.

Say the code word 'million'.

Live. Hug your family.

For those who continue to behave like an invader, there will be no mercy".

Details: According to the Minister, the Russian army has already lost around 5,300 soldiers killed or wounded in 4 days since the beginning of the war of aggression in Ukraine. Reznikov claims that hundreds of Russian invaders were taken prisoner by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He says that many of them are very young and became war criminals because of Russian leadership. Reznikov explains that IT leaders from all around the world are raising funds to offer security and amnesty to every invader if they surrender. The Minister insists that the fighting spirit of the invaders is extremely low, especially due to the fierce resistance from Ukrainian defenders and the whole population.


  • On the morning of 28 February, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed invaders in Russian and called on them to lay down their weapons and leave Ukraine. Otherwise, he warned that they put their lives on the line and would face fierce resistance from the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
  • The National Guard promised to provide for all captured Russian invaders and return them alive to their wives and children.
  • Previously, the Special Operations Forces had promised to arrange a "real Ukrainian night" for the invaders if they don't want to lay down their arms.
