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Chatbot created in Ukraine to collect evidence against Russia

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 08:31
Chatbot created in Ukraine to collect evidence against Russia

Anastasia Kalatur — Tuesday, 1 March  2022, 09:31 AM

A chatbot called was created in Ukraine to collect images and recordings evidencing the Russian aggression in Ukraine to substantiate the legal case against Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.



Quote: "Chatbot TRIBUNAL.UA is collecting photo and video evidence to file legal cases. Currently, every Ukrainian is a witness of war. All instances of crime must be recorded and used in international courts, so that we can see Vladimir Putin in the Hague."

Details: The chatbot is available on Telegram @tribunal_ua_bot.

To document a crime, use your mobile phone and record:

  • Your face, stating your name, first and last, date of birth, the time and place where the recording was made (geolocation)
  • Testimony of the wounded and other victims, stating their full names, dates of birth, contact information (address, phone number)
  • Material damage caused (buildings, transport, other)
  • Enemy details (equipment, weapons, movement, personal info)

What to record?

  1. Evidence of the killing of and violence against civilians and military personnel:
  • killings
  • torture (beating, rape, injury)
  • keeping of hostages
  1. Evidence of the Russian Federation’s use of weapons and military equipment:
  • shootings with guns, artillery, or military aircraft
  • use of firearms
  • movement and use of military equipment
  1. Proof of looting, taking over and damaging private and state property:
  • confiscation and damage of property, transport, fuel
  • damaging of cultural heritage
  1. Personal information of the enemy:
  • personal data, documents, passports
  • call signs and nicknames
  • markings

All of the materials will be collected and used in legal cases against Russia.



The chatbot will be most useful to territorial defence forces that are constantly deployed on the streets; but anyone can use it, giving priority to personal safety.
