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Mykolayiv region under Ukraine’s Armed Forces control, enemy suffers losses

Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 23:16

Svitlana Kizilova – Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 00:16

During the fighting in the Mykolayiv region on 1 March, Ukrainian troops crushed an enemy’s column; Russian soldiers fled.

Source: Head of the Mykolayiv Regional State Administration (RSA) Vitaliy Kim on Telegram


Details: According to earlier information, Ukrainian troops managed to destroy nearly 800 units of Russian military equipment. Kim said he will collect and publish the exact figures later.

During the battle, Ukrainian Armed Forces lost one helicopter, but both pilots survived.

Meanwhile, the enemy has suffered heavy losses.

The Head of the Mykolayiv RSA added that many of the invaders remained in the fields of the Mykolayiv region – they just ran out of diesel. "Tomorrow we will go to find them," he added.

In the meantime, territorial defense ceded the invaders’ two armoured personnel carriers and kept them for their own use during fights in the city of Bashtanka.

In Kim’s words: "I am amazed and proud of every one of our soldiers! Our people blocked the passage of the enemy’s military equipment. They did it with their own hands! In Bashtanka and Snigurivtsi [towns near Mykolayiv] civilians captured and disarmed Russian soldiers. The enemy fled from them on foot, leaving their vehicles and equipment behind and setting it on fire.

All towns are under our control! Tonight is the night when the villages of the Mykolayiv region will find themselves in possession of a lot of new equipment."
