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Explosions erupt in central Kherson

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 05:40
Explosions erupt in central Kherson

Anastasia Kalatur - Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 06:40

Explosions shook the centre of Kherson.

Source: Suspilne


Details: Suspilne correspondents also report explosions in the Tavriyskyy district.

Background: According to most recent data, the invaders have seized the main train station and the port in Kherson. Russian military equipment is stationed in front of the Regional State Administration building. Throughout the day, heavy military equipment and infantry move through the city. Kherson residents try not to leave their homes and shelters. Kherson Mayor Igor Kolykhayev requested that a ‘green corridor’ [for the safe passage of people and supplies] be organised.
