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“They have stirred up Cossack drive”: Russian troops' morale is low

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 13:07
“They have stirred up Cossack drive”: Russian troops' morale is low

Wednesday, 2 March 2022, 14:07

Oleksiy Arestovych, Adviser to the Ukraine's President's Chief of Staff, says that the enemy is demoralised and was dropping weapons en masse, only subordinates of Russia’s top leaders fighting more actively.

Source: Arestovych’s briefing, General Staff


Quote: "There has been a psychological fracture on the battlefield. Everybody knows that the enemy is abandoning their weapons and vehicles en masse, surrendering or moving towards the Belarusian or Russian border.

The only ones who resist are the organised masses of the enemy, who are led by the top leaders of the troops – Russian generals, and who have not yet come under the devastating fire of our aviation, artillery and ground forces."

Details: Arestovych also said that the Russians were even throwing military school cadets into the fray: "The whole mighty Russian army can no longer cope with the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian Armed Forces."

He added that cadets are not usually engaged until the last moment.

He also said that there is no evidence that Belarus is also at war with Ukraine; there are some signals, but there is no official data.

In addition, Arestovych said that the enemy has run out of calibre cruise missiles and has begun strikes from "Iskanders". The enemy carried out air strikes at night because they are afraid of Ukrainian aviation, and the night covers them.

General Staff added that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are beginning to seize the initiative from the invaders.

Quote: "The enemy is trying to retain the combat effectiveness of their units, realising that the "walk in the park" has not worked.

It is trying to avoid direct clashes not only with the Ukrainian troops but also with civilians who are blocking the movement of its columns. Russian propaganda is no longer active on Ukrainian territory and the "liberators" are realising that no-one was expecting them here."

It is noted that the enemy is demoralised and continues to suffer losses in personnel and vehicles.
