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Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor caught under fire near Chernihiv: there are victims

Sunday, 27 March 2022, 16:19
Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor caught under fire near Chernihiv: there are victims

Kateryna Tyshchenko – Sunday, 27 March 2022, 16:19

Ruslan Martsynkiv, the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, came under fire in the Chernihiv region, where he was travelling with a humanitarian mission.

Source: Ruslan Martsynkiv, the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, in a Facebook video address


According to Martsynkiv: "We were in Chernihiv with a humanitarian mission, to help the city that has been practically encircled. On 26 March…the enemy fired at our car. Thank God everyone is alive, though a few of our guys have been wounded."

Details: Martsynkiv said that the shelling took place right outside Chernihiv, before the crossing into the city.

After the shelling, the mission members still delivered aid to the citizens of Chernihiv and the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


"I am grateful to the Mayor of Nizhyn, who helped with the evacuation after the shelling incapacitated our bus, which was [full of holes] like a sieve," the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk added.
