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Chernihiv: at least 33 killed by air strike, more victims can be under rubble, while Russian shelling continues

Thursday, 3 March 2022, 19:15
Chernihiv: at least 33 killed by air strike, more victims can be under rubble, while Russian shelling continues


At least 33 people were killed and 18 were injured in air strikes on Chernihiv.

Source: State Emergency Service of Ukraine


Details: As of 18:20, the bodies of 33 people were recovered from the rubble and 18 people were injured. Rescue work has been temporarily suspended due to heavy shelling.

What preceded:

Earlier it was reported that the bodies of 22 people killed in Russian airstrikes were removed from the rubble in Chernihiv.


-On 3 March, Russian troops launched a missile strike on a high-rise residential building area in central Chernihiv. Many apartment buildings were damaged, windows were broken, with walls, roofs, and balconies damaged, and walls and ceilings destroyed in some places.

- The regional state administration stressed that there were no military facilities nearby. The area has hospitals, several schools and kindergartens, and dozens of high-rise buildings.

- Russian aircraft also attacked private homes and two schools in Chernihiv.
