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Ukrainian Armed Forces hold ground in all directions, counter-attack in some areas - Ground Forces

Saturday, 5 March 2022, 06:11


Ukrainian Armed Forces are resisting the Russian invaders in all directions, counter-attacking in some areas, and forcing the enemy to retreat with losses.

Source: Ukrainian Armed Forces Ground Forces on Facebook


Quote: "It is the tenth day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people against the Russian military invasion. Ukrainian Armed Forces and units of the Ukrainian Security and Defence Forces are engaged in fierce fighting to liberate Ukrainian cities from the Russian invaders.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are continuing to hold certain lines in all directions, and in some areas, they are counter-attacking and forcing the enemy to retreat with losses, disrupting rear communications and carrying out devastating strikes.

Unfortunately, we cannot yet speak about all our successes so as not to compromise what we have planned. But believe me, everything will be revealed in due course".

Details: The Ukrainian Armed Forces ground forces say that "units and subunits of the invading forces are demoralised, soldiers and officers of the invading army continue to surrender and flee, abandoning their weapons and equipment on Ukrainian soil".

Losses to the enemy have been inflicted "not only by armed units of Ukrainian defenders, but also by ordinary unarmed people, showing the occupier that they are civilians, inflicting a psychological blow on them".

Quote: "Faced with persistent resistance and aware of the illegality of their actions, the invaders continue to shell civilians, launch missile and bomb attacks on critical infrastructure and residential buildings, hospitals and kindergartens, and to use women, children and the elderly as human shields.

They persist in their attempts to create a picture of a liberation "blitzkrieg" in their own media landscape, they continue to spread total lies through the mass media which are under their control, and they are taking measures to conceal losses in personnel and equipment by blocking public access to truthful and objective information".
