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A Russian attack aircraft shot down in the vicinity of Chernihiv

Saturday, 5 March 2022, 12:12
A Russian attack aircraft shot down in the vicinity of Chernihiv

Valentyna Romanenko - Saturday, March 5 2022, 12:09

In the vicinity of Chernihiv, a northern Ukrainian regional centre, a Russian attack aircraft SU-34 has been shot down.

Source: Operational command "Pivnich", Ukrainska Pravda news agency’s internal sources.


Quote: "This just in: in the vicinity of Chernihiv air defence specialists have shot down yet another enemy attack aircraft. Details to follow."

Details: According to Ukrainska Pravda’s sources, the pilot has been captured alive. The second pilot was killed. According to Ukraine's Airforce, the plane was shot down by joint efforts of the border guards and the Armed Forces.

