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Russia calls on EU and NATO to stop "pumping" weapons to Ukraine

Saturday, 5 March 2022, 23:50
Russia calls on EU and NATO to stop pumping weapons to Ukraine

SUNDAY, 6 MARCH 2022, 00:50


On Saturday, Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on countries from the European Union and NATO to "stop pumping weapons" to Ukraine.


Source: Comment by Russian MFA spokesperson, as quoted by TASS

Verbatim: "We once again called on the EU and NATO countries to stop the thoughtless 'pumping up' the unviable Kyiv regime with new weapons systems to avoid colossal risks for international civil aviation and other transportation communications, not just for Europe but beyond its borders, too.

"The organisers of these supplies cannot be unaware of the growing threat that these high-precision weapons may fall into the hands of terrorist elements and gangs, not just in Ukraine but in Europe as a whole.

"It is only a matter of time before these types of weapons make their way to the shadow market and the hands of terrorist networks. MANPADS poses a great danger to civil aviation and ATGMs to rail transportation and infrastructure".

"Official Brussels prefers not to raise this topic while being well aware of the, for many years, European criminal structures have been receiving significant support with small arms and light weapons from Kosovo and Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, which have multiplied the 'pirate' production of Russian/Soviet weapons with or without expired licences".

Details: Zakharova called attention to Western countries' mass shipments to Ukraine of STINGER MANPADS (which can strike ground and air targets at a distance of 8 km at an altitude of 3.5 km), other portable systems, and Javelin ATGMs, NLAWs and Carl Gustafs that are objectively the most sensitive types of weapons.

In addition, Zakharova believes that the West is "aggressively ignoring a whole series of international agreements aimed at minimizing the risk of MANPADS falling into the hands of terrorists and criminals".

The diplomat emphasized that "with the collective West's supply, a large-scale 'proliferation' of the most dangerous weapons is beginning in the world".

Zakharova also said that approximately 50 aeroplanes with military assistance have flown to Ukraine in early 2022.

The Russian MFA's official spokesperson presented statistics on military assistance to Ukraine from different countries.

She also noted that the presented data indicate "how the West actually saw Kyiv's implementation of the Minsk Accords".
