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Shelling in Donetsk region causes gas pipeline damage - Gas transmission system Operator

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 16:01

Sunday, 6 March 2022, 16:50

The Ukrainian Gas Transmission System Operator reported damage to the Kramatorsk-Donetsk-Mariupol gas pipeline due to shelling by the Russian occupying forces.

This comes from the company's report on the state of the Ukrainian Gas transmission system as of 14:00 on 6 March.


"Dispatchers from the Ukrainian Gas Transmission System Operator recorded a sharp pressure surge in the gas transmission system, which indicates damage to the Kramatorsk-Donetsk-Mariupol gas pipeline due to shelling by the Russian invaders.

The pipeline is closed due to the inability to maintain pressure, cutting off 24 gas distribution stations in the region. About a million consumers in Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions will be left without gas. Gas companies are looking for technical solutions to minimise losses and restore gas supply to consumers. So far it has proved impossible to eliminate the failure to the high intensity of the hostilities" the Gas Transmission System Operator said.

In addition, 39 gas distribution stations in Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Luhansk, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions are currently shut down.

"The Ukrainian Gas Transmission System Operator transported 75.4 million cubic metres of gas for domestic consumers on the previous day of 5 March. The company controls the operational management of the system and is doing everything possible in these extraordinary circumstances to ensure that gas is transported to Ukrainian consumers", the company added.

Ekonomichna Pravda (Economic truth)
