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Russian forces lose combat capacity and engage reserves – Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 23:58
Russian forces lose combat capacity and engage reserves – Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

The Ministry of Defence reports that enemy troops in some areas "have lost combat capacity and are engaging reserves into the operation".

Source: Ukraine's Ministry of Defence

Quote: "Ukraine's defence forces are doing a decent job of repulsing and restraining the offensive operation of the Russian armed forces in all directions.


"In some of them, the aggressor's forces lost their combat capacity and have engaged reserves into operation. In order to increase its combat capabilities, the enemy is moving military units from other strategic directions to the borders of Ukraine.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine, in coordinated cooperation with other components of the security and defence sector of the state and the forces of national resistance, are restraining the massive offensive of the aggressor's forces".

Details: In addition, the Ministry of Defence reports that the Republic of Belarus is providing support to the aggressor, providing fuel and lubricants and the use of railway infrastructure and the country's airfield network.

Sabotage actions on the military and civilian infrastructure sites remain likely.

The Russian Federation is still set on its plan to seize Kyiv, continuing its offensive operation in the Polissya and Seversky directions.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the aggressor attacked the towns of Izyum, Petrovske and Hrushuvakha, as well as the cities of Sumy and Okhtyrka.

The Russian offensive is also continuing in the Donetsk and Tavriya directions.

Russian forces are increasing the grouping of troops in the Mykolaiv direction.

In the Black Sea and Azov operational zones, the aggressor continues to isolate the area of ​​hostilities. Marine groups of the Russian Armed Forces are located in the areas of Cape Tarkhankut and Lake Donuzlav.
