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Ukraine-Russia prisoner exchange: 30 Ukrainians to return home

Thursday, 14 April 2022, 15:05
Ukraine-Russia prisoner exchange: 30 Ukrainians to return home

Denys Karlovskyi – Thursday, 14 April 2022, 12:21

The Ukrainian government has carried out another prisoner exchange: 22 Ukrainian military personnel and 8 civilians will return home.

Source: Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine


According to Vereshchuk: "Another prisoner exchange, already the fourth, took place today in accordance with President Zelenskyy’s order.

5 officers and 17 rank-and-file soldiers took part in the exchange. 8 civilians were also freed, including 1 woman."


  • On 1 April, Ukraine held an 86-for-86 military exchange, in particular freeing 15 servicewomen.
  • On 24 March, Ukrainian authorities exchanged prisoners of war in a 10-for-10 format. 19 crew members from the rescue ship "Sapphire", which was captured by the Russian occupiers, were also freed.
  • Ukrainian authorities also exchanged 9 Russian conscripts for the captive mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, who was kidnapped on 11 March.
  • On 1 March, local authorities in the Sumy region exchanged a Russian commander for 5 Ukrainian territorial defence fighters.
