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Donbas: Ukrainian defenders destrooy 4 Russian tanks and 10 armoured vehicles

Friday, 15 April 2022, 00:50
Donbas: Ukrainian defenders destrooy 4 Russian tanks and 10 armoured vehicles

Iryna Balachuk - Friday, 15 April 2022, 00:50

Military personnel of the Joint Forces successfully repulsed 6 attacks by the Russians and terminated 15 units of military hardware belonging to the aggressors on the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts on 14 April.

Source: Joint Forces Operations Press Service on Facebook


Joint Forces Operation, Verbatim: "On 14 April, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 4 tanks, 6 armoured personnel carriers, 4 infantry fighting vehicles and one artillery system belonging to the enemy."

Details: It was reported that Ukrainian servicemen continue to hold back the aggressor's invasion with bravery and heroism.
